The methodology we use is called SIRAA and was developed by the Tláloc Foundation over several years to build sustainable citizenship and to generate projects with a positive impact on their community.
This method was strengthened from the experience gained by working with an indigenous community in a joint project. Its basic principle is capacity building and the empowerment of local actors, who are part of a group within public, private, social organizations or a particular community.
First the awakening of the senses is provoked to reinterpret realities and open new approaches to different problems.
This leads to the desire to know more about what you want to change. In informing, the power to know about the reality that was previously problematized and studied is provided.
Then you are invited to contrast perceptions and the information we receive to form our own opinion, as well as to generate ideas and proposals.
A fundamental step is to put these ideas into practice. Each of us must become a protagonist at the individual level and achieve collective action, as well as question and adapt their own daily actions.
Finally, we must deepen our understanding of the impact and value of our actions and projects, as well as the variables and consequences we had not anticipated, to redesign and strengthen our strategies.
Ein sozialer autor ist die person, die für den wert des lebens und der gemeinschaft sensibilisiert ist und in einer kultur des friedens und auf informierte weise die ordnung der dinge permanent in frage stellt mit dem ziel, die sache zu unterstützen, an die er glaubt; es handelt im rahmen von werten und nachhaltigkeit und fördert die zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen gesellschaftsbereichen.
Es ist die gruppe von menschen, die für den wert des lebens und der gemeinschaft sensibilisiert sind und in einer cultur des friedens und auf informierte weise die ordnung der dinge in frage stellen, sich proaktiv organisieren, indem sie sich direkt an der umsetzung der vorschläge beteiligen, die sie generieren das ziel, die sache zu unterstützen, an die sie glauben; handeln im rahmen von werten und nachhaltigkeit sowie förderung der zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen gesellschaftsbereichen.
It is the group of people sensitized to the value of life and of the community, who under a culture of peace and in an informed way, question the order of things, organize themselves proactively by directly engaging in the implementation of the proposals they generate, with the objective of supporting the cause in which they believe; acting within a framework of values and sustainability, as well as fostering cooperation between different sectors of society.
A social author is the person sensitized to the value of life and the community, who under a culture of peace and in an informed way, permanently questions the order of things, is proactively organized by directly engaging in the implementation of the proposals it generates , with the objective of supporting the cause in which he believes; It acts within a framework of values and sustainability, as well as fostering cooperation between the different sectors of society.
Es el conjunto de personas sensibilizadas respecto al valor de la vida y de la comunidad, que bajo una cultura de paz y de manera informada, cuestionan el orden de las cosas, se organizan proactivamente involucrándose directamente en la implementación de las propuestas que generan, con el objetivo de apoyar la causa en la que creen; actuando dentro de un marco de valores y de sustentabilidad, así como propiciando la cooperación entre los distintos sectores de la sociedad.
Un autor social es la persona sensibilizada respecto al valor de la vida y de la comunidad, que bajo una cultura de paz y de manera informada, cuestiona permanentemente el orden de las cosas, se organiza proactivamente involucrándose directamente en la implementación de las propuestas que genera, con el objetivo de apoyar la causa en la que cree; actúa dentro de un marco de valores y de sustentabilidad, así como propiciando la cooperación entre los distintos sectores de la sociedad.